Adblocker that Works
Twitch Adblock Extension
Adblock for Twitch is a chrome extension that helps to block ads. This extension doesn't require the use of an external proxy.

Block all the ads on without any performance issues.
With a single click, hide/unhide the ads blocking message.
No complex procedure. Easily block the ads with easy-to-use UI.
Twitch Adblock Plus doesn't require any external proxy.
Use adblocker without any charges. It's 100% free to use.
Click the "ADD TO CHROME" button or visit this link to download the extension.
Click on the extension icon from the toolbar and pin the Twitch Adblock Plus on the toolbar.
To enable the AdBlocking, click on the extension icon and enable it by clicking on the toggle button.
Hide/Unhide the ads blocking message using the toggle button.
“Works as advertised, thank you!”
“Works really good blocks all twitch ads”
“Haven't gotten a single ad since installing.”
“Worked as designed, thanks for your hard work”
“The only twitch ad block extention that doesn't interfere with the twitch radio mode extention. good job.”
“Some hiccups, but still better than most.”
“As a twitch ad blocker is working perfectly, I am recommanding this extension.”